20+ years of start-up success anchored by operational excellence, strategy and financial efficiency
Operational Excellence
Operational excellence is essential for any company to succeed. This is ultimately the systems and infrastructure of a company. Everything in this process is predicated on the preceding “decisions”. In other words, if you start with inefficient or poor systematic processes the business will fail to optimize and ultimately fail or not fulfill its potential during periods of accelerated growth. Conversely, meticulously building the foundation and the compounding effect of strong incremental strategic decisions will allow for your business to scale and operate optimally under any circumstance. As a C-Level Executive, the expectation is to have all these operational efficiencies in place but many times our experience and our capacity is limited given all the responsibilities and challenges that you are presented with daily. Having a professional advisor, provides an opportunity to inspect, evaluate inefficiencies, and offer solutions will provide peace of mind as these inadequacies are identified and addressed with an actionable plan and proposed strategy.
The Golden Spiral approach applies the same philosophy with people as it does the infrastructure or company backbone. It all starts at the top with the senior executives and incrementally moves down the organizational ladder. Any break in the chain, the golden spiral balance is disrupted, and the incremental compounding breaks down. Existing loyalties and “blind-eyes” can prevent executives from identifying their members that may be impeding the success of the organization. More times than not, this is not a matter of bad employees but more of a function of training and mentoring, empowerment, and providing the best tools and infrastructure to succeed. Again, without the operational excellence, the best team will also not be optimized. With a professional advisor, independently and non-biasedly identifying personnel’s strengths and weaknesses and providing an actionable system to empower, reward and ultimately retain the best crew is essential for the long-term success of an organization.
Strategic Direction
As a true leader and C-Level Executive, you set the course for the organization. Sounds simple but as tides rise and fall, as calm seas are replaced with storms and winds shift, as captain you are in continuous effort to adjust, adapt and realign your business to meet the everchanging landscape of challenges. Under the Golden Spiral approach, if your course is off just one degree, on the short term you will not see a noticeable difference but over time you veer away from your ultimate destination. Every team member entrusts you with this endeavor which is why it is imperative to set the strategic vision and not deviate from your course which requires a continuous evaluation and realignment for the unforeseeable. A professional advisor can help determine this strategic direction and provide tools to navigate through business challenges and obstacles.